The Knowledge base blade is a powerful search function in PMI that makes it easy for users to find helpful resources and tools. It’s represented by a book icon in the top-right corner of every page in PMI, and gives users quick access to...
PMI Knowledge base
List of all articles in the current, selected, category.
General user knowledge
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A simple guide to understanding RevPOLU
Hotel leaders are constantly focused on generating revenue, but how much of that revenue truly makes its way to the bottom line? One of the critical factors in this equation is how well the major resources, such as labor, food, and utilities, are...
PMI glossary
Within PMI, there are some terms and abbreviations used that may be unfamiliar. Here are some of the main terms and abbreviations with definitions: Within PMI, there are some terms and abbreviations used that may be unfamiliar. Here are some of the...
Benefits realization enablement at d2o
What is benefits realization enablement? Benefits realization enablement (BRE) is designed to ensure that hospitality businesses fully realize productivity improvements. The BRE team works closely with clients, offering continuous support,...