live forecast

Manual changes overwritten at Live forecast import

Manual changes overwritten at Live forecast import

Legacy PMI System Issue: Pickup column doesn’t “gray out” when importing Live forecasts. Cause: This is the design of the legacy PMI system. Effect: Manual changes in the pickup column will be overwritten with each import. New PMI System Preserving Manual Changes:...

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Ensuring Up-to-Date Data in PMI Predictions

Ensuring Up-to-Date Data in PMI Predictions

Understanding when and how PMI prediction data refreshes is key to maintaining accuracy and trust in the system. Here's a brief guide: Data Refresh Cycle: PMI predictions are typically updated automatically at regular intervals. Daily refreshes handle short-term...

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Navigating PMI Prediction Algorithm Accuracy

Navigating PMI Prediction Algorithm Accuracy

Having trouble with the PMI prediction algorithm? Follow these streamlined steps to identify and fix data-related issues: Verify Import Status: Begin by checking PMI's import status page to ensure data is being correctly updated. Any import problems will be flagged...

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