rooms live forecast

Rooms Live forecast: Sense check mode explained

Rooms Live forecast: Sense check mode explained

What is sense check mode?  Sense check is a feature to help minimize errors in your data. It highlights potential errors and values that seem extreme so you can review, correct or validate as needed. Sense check appears as an option on other pages in PMI that have...

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NextGen Rooms live forecast: Personal view options

NextGen Rooms live forecast: Personal view options

This article relates specifically to the Personal view options that are on the new view of the Rooms live forecast.  This new view is currently in pilot phase with a number of properties.  Read the article Live forecast tools and personal view settings for details on...

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Rooms live forecast: monthly routine overview

Rooms live forecast: monthly routine overview

Each month, the Live forecast should be submitted to the Forecast. This ensure that the Forecast is up to date with the latest changes and expectations.   Step 1: Review the Live forecastReview the next 3 months on the total level. See if things look as you...

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Rooms Live forecast: Weekly routine overview

Rooms Live forecast: Weekly routine overview

Each week, the Rooms Live forecast should be reviewed to ensure that the Live forecast for the coming weeks is realistic. This process consists of 3 simple steps:   Review:Review the Live forecast at period level compared to the Forecast, Budget, PMI Prediction...

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NextGen Rooms Live forecast overview

What is the Rooms Live forecast? The Rooms Live forecast in PMI is a daily revenue forecast which allows you to forecast room nights and average room rate (ARR), which then gives you the total expected room revenue per day. It is a rolling forecast which is updated...

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