live forecast

How do I reset the pickup for a full month?

How do I reset the pickup for a full month?

There are 2 different ways to reset pickups for future days. From the Tools menu of the Live forecast module, you can choose to Reset Pick up, which will zero out the pickup columns for the remainder of the month. Alternatively, you can click on the calculator (or...

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What are the seasons in PMI?

What are the seasons in PMI?

Seasons are defined as different periods with the same expected booking behavior or activity level. In a year, there could be similar periods with the same booking behavior spread out over the year. Seasons are not necessarily the same as calendar months. December...

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What are covers?

What are covers?

Covers are the number of guests served in restaurants, bars, and M&E at some properties. Please note that beverages are not commonly counted as covers.

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What is a revenue driver?

What is a revenue driver?

A revenue driver is used to forecast/predict revenue or covers in a profit center. A revenue driver looks at what drives the revenue or level of activity in a department. Different departments can have different revenue drivers such as guests, rooms, and revenue. When...

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PMI prediction explained

PMI prediction explained

What is PMI prediction? PMI uses a combination of machine learning (ML) and statistical models to automate forecasting of revenue and units (covers, room nights, guest nights etc.). It uses historical data to identify trends (seasons) and adapts to specific properties...

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Pickup explanation

Pickup explanation

What is Pickup and how is it used? In the Live forecast there is a column called Pickup. This is the column used to make adjustments to your Live forecast at a daily level. For room/guest nights, a positive value indicates an increase to the OTB (or Driver Based,...

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Segment OTB

Segment OTB

Summary This summary helps you to get a quick overview of your bookings on the books for a certain period. Intended Users General Manager, Hotel Manager, Revenue Manager, Booking Manager, Front Office Manager, Department Heads and Regional and Head Office....

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