food cost

What are my routines in the Food cost cockpit?

What are my routines in the Food cost cockpit?

Daily routine (5 min):  1. Enter the total value of your food purchases as a lump sum in the Purchase column on the day they are delivered, excluding VAT.   Weekly routines (10 min): 1. Update your closing stock by inserting your estimated stock value  (See: How...

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Review and Maintain Food Cost

Review and Maintain Food Cost

Summary The procedure below allows you to record your food cost and manage your food purchases by adequately measuring your stock turnover rate on a daily and monthly routine in order to maximize profit on the margin. Intended Users F&B Managers, Executive Chefs,...

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Resource consumption and purchase patterns

Resource consumption and purchase patterns

Summary This summary will help you to understand and manage the Food Cost Cockpit. Intended Users Executive Chefs, Chefs = Kitchen Food Cost Owners Instructions The purpose of the Food Cost Cockpit is to manage resource consumption and purchase pattern in order to...

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Kitchen food cost overview

Kitchen food cost overview

Summary Food Cost Cockpit is always part of a Labor Cockpit − usually the Kitchen or Breakfast Cockpit. Intended Users Executive Chefs and Food Cost Cockpit Owners. Instructions The PMI Kitchen Food Cost cockpit helps the Executive Chef to manage the food cost and...

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Imported food cost purchases overview

Imported food cost purchases overview

Properties with PMI Planning have the possibility to import actual food purchase into PMI. All food purchases are imported daily into PMI, giving the kitchen food cost owner an effortless overview of monthly expenditures. A kitchen normally has different types of...

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Monthly routine food cost cockpit

Monthly routine food cost cockpit

Summary Monthly tasks in the food cost cockpit Intended Users Kitchen Food Cost Owners Instructions 1. The food cost cockpit is found in (one of) the kitchen labor cockpit(s). Click on Food Cost in the Cockpit view located in the upper menu bar. 2. Enter the closing...

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Food cost cockpit overview

Food cost cockpit overview

What is the Food cost cockpit? The Food cost cockpit helps the executive chef to manage food costs and plan the daily purchases so they are aligned with the food revenue stream. The Food cost cockpit is always part of a labor cockpit − usually the kitchen, breakfast...

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