
Which rights do my users need?

Which rights do my users need?

User rights depend on what role and what department the user should have access to. You need to decide if the user needs editing rights or only view rights. Click on the below link to find the different user rights available to be assigned. Click here to read more...

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How do I manage users?

How do I manage users?

All user administration (adding, editing, and deactivating and deleting users) is done via the User Administration module, accessed from the main menu. You need user administration rights to make any changes. Contact your chain, your property’s PMI contact or Support...

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What happens when I save/activate the plan in set up?

What happens when I save/activate the plan in set up?

The final step creates the prepopulated pages for the budget holders to review and edit. When you press the Save button, PMI will create a set of plan pages for the period specified with the name you chose. Adjust the title to refer to it as a budget, forecast or...

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Why can’t I change data in previous months?

Why can’t I change data in previous months?

All data in previous months is actual data.  There is no need to make an estimate for something that has already happened. If you need to make a change to the data because it is incorrect, you need to ask to have the period unlocked so that the corrections can be...

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When do I set up a plan?

When do I set up a plan?

Set up and activate a new plan when you need to pick up the latest information from Live forecast.  A snapshot of Live forecast is taken at the point the plan is created.  While you can submit a plan to cockpits at any point to pick up the latest pricing in cockpit...

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What comparative (data) should I use?

What comparative (data) should I use?

The first time you set up a plan we would normally advise using last year’s actual data as long as it had a fairly normal business pattern.  For example, the results from 2020 will not be a good base for planning a normal business year and Actual 2019 may need to be...

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What is comparative data?

What is comparative data?

It is a fancy name for a set of data you are comparing your draft plan against.  The dataset shown under comparative data is also used to calculate other elements of your new plan.  Look for ‘based on comparative data’ in a section header like this:  Comparative data...

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