
What is min/max hours?

What is min/max hours?

The Min and Max setting allows you to set the minimum and maximum hours required in a department each day of the week. Using this function will affect forecasted productivity, because you are manipulating hours needed on slow and high activity days, so consider...

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What are fixed hours?

What are fixed hours?

Some departments like Admin & General and sales may have a fixed number of hours each month regardless of occupancy and activity. The total fixed hours for a cockpit will be divided equally every day of the month, giving a straight, yellow line in the graph.

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How is productivity calculated?

How is productivity calculated?

Productivity is calculated by dividing the output in a department (i.e. revenue, rooms occupied, covers) with the number of hours paid for. We differentiate between total productivity, that takes the output divided by the total hours, and operational productivity,...

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What is a cost driver?

What is a cost driver?

A cost driver is an operational factor in the department that effects the need for labor, whether that is guests, rooms or revenue. For example, Housekeeping uses rooms occupied last night as a cost driver, because that determines the amount of rooms needing to be...

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What are non-productive and productive hours?

What are non-productive and productive hours?

Productive hours are paid hours for work connected to the department. Non-productive hours are a paid absence, i.e. there is a cost for the hours although they have not been used for regular work in the department. This could be sick leave paid for by the property,...

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How does PMI summarize the hours?

How does PMI summarize the hours?

In the cockpit, you will see three columns displaying hours. Total, Productive and Non-Productive. Productive hours are hours that have been worked and payed for. Non-productive hours are payed hours that have not been worked. Productive and non-productive hours added...

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How can I see the hours that are imported to PMI?

How can I see the hours that are imported to PMI?

To check the hours imported from a time keeping system for a specific date or period, click the plus sign next to the date double, click on time keeping system hours. A list will appear with an overview of the number of productive and non-productive hours imported...

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What is SMART?

What is SMART?

The SMART forecast in PMI is a daily breakdown of your monthly productivity/hours forecast. The SMART forecast allocates the month forecast to each day based on the expected activity levels of hotel using the cost driver forecast and historic staffing patterns. This...

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