Enhancements to the PMI adoption index calculation methodology will be released on January 2nd, 2024. These changes are designed to better align the index with its primary objective: addressing the crucial question, ‘How effectively is my property/department...
release notes
PMI adoption index: Option to filter scores by group and export scores
In PMI adoption index, it is now possible to filter scores by group and export scores for a Chain. To view scores per chain: Select ‘All properties’ in the navigation breadcrumb. Select ‘View all properties’ in the ‘Lowest property scores’ tile. Select the drop down...
Profit center Live forecast: Automatically switch between OTB and revenue driver
For Non-room revenue departments that have a daily OTB import in PMI, there is an option to use a combination of both OTB and driver-based forecasts to create the Live forecast. This is the recommended set up for departments such as Meeting & Events (M&E). ...
GM daily digest enhancements
This release is designed to make GM daily digest more relevant, and easier to gain useful insights from. In addition to minor adjustments to the overall design and Key insights statements, there are 2 main updates: Waterfall chart Design update All bars now move...
15th of March – Possibility to add department type as an additional dimension when using Account ID in the P&L report
Before we cannot go further down than division when using Account ID as variable in the report formula. This made sense before we introduced Department Types in PMI, but with that introduced, it will make sense to also include department type as dimension. Now this is...