monthly routine

Rooms live forecast: monthly routine overview

Rooms live forecast: monthly routine overview

Each month, the Live forecast should be submitted to the Forecast. This ensure that the Forecast is up to date with the latest changes and expectations.   Step 1: Review the Live forecastReview the next 3 months on the total level. See if things look as you...

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Submit Live Forecast to Forecast (monthly routine)

Submit Live Forecast to Forecast (monthly routine)

What is the Copy (Submit) from Live forecast process?  A forecast is used as a monthly revenue goal. Once set, it does not change. The Live forecast, however, is a rolling forecast, which is regularly updated with the most recent data available.   To set a revenue...

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Monthly routine food cost cockpit

Monthly routine food cost cockpit

Summary Monthly tasks in the food cost cockpit Intended Users Kitchen Food Cost Owners Instructions 1. The food cost cockpit is found in (one of) the kitchen labor cockpit(s). Click on Food Cost in the Cockpit view located in the upper menu bar. 2. Enter the closing...

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