If a profit center in the Live forecast is set to automatic driver, that driver can change from day to day. It is important to look over the figures in the Live forecast every day, and if they look good, click Save. The last saved version from the Live forecast are...
live forecast
New page view of Rooms live forecast – 12.23
This update is a new look and feel of the Live forecast page, along with some new features to help with the daily and monthly tasks of checking and updating the Rooms live forecast in PMI. This was released to pilot only in December of 2023 and will be rolled out...
Rooms live forecast: How to work with auto Live forecast
What is PMI prediction in the Rooms live forecast? PMI provides an automated daily revenue forecast to allow for easy and accurate revenue forecasting. It uses historical data to identify seasons and trends, and adapts to specific properties over time, based on their...
NextGen Rooms Live forecast overview
What is the Rooms Live forecast? The Rooms Live forecast in PMI is a daily revenue forecast which allows you to forecast room nights and average room rate (ARR), which then gives you the total expected room revenue per day. It is a rolling forecast which is updated...
What is the difference between Forecast and Live forecast?
The forecast is your monthly target and expectation before entering a new month. This should not be changed during the month. Live forecast is a rolling forecast that is updated regularly throughout the month, depending on your latest expectations due to changes in...
Arrivals and departures forecast enhancement – 02.23
A new method is now used to calculate the Arrivals and departures forecast figures shown in the cockpit module. Previously, it looked at the data from the same month last year, and calculated the average length of stay, then used those numbers to populate the cockpit....
Profit center Live forecast: Automatically switch between OTB and revenue driver – 12.22
For Non-room revenue departments that have a daily OTB import in PMI, there is an option to use a combination of both OTB and driver-based forecasts to create the Live forecast. This is the recommended set up for departments such as Meeting & Events (M&E)....
SMART Forecast enhancement – 09.22
What is SMART v2.0? SMART v2.0 is an enhanced version of the existing SMART forecast which is a prediction of how many labor hours should be scheduled according to expected activity in the hotel. This replaces the existing SMART forecast, shown as the yellow line on...
How pickup fields are displayed and used in Room live forecast
What are pickups?Pickups are the difference between what is on the books and the Live forecast. For past days, a positive number shows the number of pickups that exceeded the Live forecast, while a negative number shows how many pickups were missed. Once the day is...
Room Live forecast – Change to pickup fields – 04.22
On 26 April changes to the pickup fields have been made. There is a video in the Live Forecast module as well as an article. See link for How pickup fields are displayed and used in Room Live Forecast