What is the Data upload centre? The Data upload centre allows you to manually upload various types of data, including budgets, forecasts, actuals and KPI targets. Anyone with controller rights can access this feature. Access the Data upload centre via the...
Import status enhancement – 09.22
Monitor your incoming data with the new Import status. You can now keep track of all active interfaces collecting data to PMI. This includes updated, not updated, and In progress data. The new import status lets you track data and aids you in how to solve any missing...
Monitor Incoming data – Import status
Import status provides an overview of your properties daily imports
Data elemets required for food cost import
This form explains what elements are required for food cost imports.[dvmd_table_maker tbl_scrolling_active="on" tbl_scrolling_col_sticky="on" tbl_stripes_active="on" tbl_tcell_cell_align_horz="center" tbl_tcell_cell_align_vert="center" tbl_chead_cell_color="#34AEF4"...
How can I see the hours that are imported to PMI?
To check the hours imported from a time keeping system for a specific date or period, click the plus sign next to the date double, click on time keeping system hours. A list will appear with an overview of the number of productive and non-productive hours imported...
Imported food cost purchases overview
Properties with PMI Planning have the possibility to import actual food purchase into PMI. All food purchases are imported daily into PMI, giving the kitchen food cost owner an effortless overview of monthly expenditures. A kitchen normally has different types of...
How to use a timekeeping system (TKS) import in the Cockpit
If your property uses an external timekeeping system (TKS), that data needs to be connected to PMI. The incoming data from the TKS needs to be assigned to the correct section in PMI, where it can then be seen in the cockpits. The way that the imported hours are...