The KPI indicates how you are pacing MTD vs Forecast, Budget, and LY. The direction of the arrow shows the trend compared to last year. An arrow pointing upwards means that the KPI is performing better than last year and vice versa. A green arrow with a plus sign...
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What is Benchmarking?
Benchmarking is a report listing the properties in your group (or the ones you have access to see), allowing you to compare (benchmark) your property’s revenues and productivity.
Consolidated view in Benchmarking and Management Perspective
What is its purpose? A user is able to create a productivity department which consists of a set of department types and a cost driver in Benchmarking. These productivity departments can now be found in Management Perspective as a view only option. Please note that...
Benchmarking overview
What is Benchmarking in PMI? Benchmarking allows you to compare your performance against other properties within your group. The properties you have access to view depends on decisions from the group’s head office. You can choose to compare revenue, productivity or...