PMI Knowledge base

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Live forecast

How do I calculate ARR and ADR?

What is the difference between ARR and ADR? ARR stands for average room rate while ADR stands for average daily rate. ARR and ADR are the same when looking at a single day, but they differ when looking at a period total. ARR is used within PMI as...

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What is Pickup statistics?

The Pickup statistics display the movement in your on-the-books figures. You can access Pickup statistics from Live forecast in Rooms and Meetings & Events, or from the main PMI menu. Use the Pickup statistics to analyze and get a better...

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What are the seasons in PMI?

Seasons are defined as different periods with the same expected booking behavior or activity level. In a year, there could be similar periods with the same booking behavior spread out over the year. Seasons are not necessarily the same as calendar...

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What is a revenue driver?

A revenue driver is used to forecast/predict revenue or covers in a profit center. A revenue driver looks at what drives the revenue or level of activity in a department. Different departments can have different revenue drivers such as guests,...

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