If the forecast data in the cockpit does not match the actuals, showing discrepancies in the Monthly To Date (MTD) usage, a potential cause is that a cost driver was not forecasted, leading the system to calculate zero forecast and only display actuals. Steps to...
Geson Perry
Split management in the mapping view
Here is a short introduction to understand how values or accounts are split across multiple departments in PMI. Split Mapping Overview: Splits allow you to allocate a percentage of an account’s value to multiple departments. For instance, if a revenue account is...
Adjusting productivity targets in budget and forecast
Issue: Productivity targets are not aligning with actual performance, and adjustments are needed to improve the PMI adoption index score. Recommendation: One idea can be to copy the Live forecast number into the Forecast to align the numbers initially. Adjustments...
Inability to edit data for a specific period
A "frozen" screen issue could be related to period locking. This would result in an inability to make any modifications to schedules, reports, or other entries for a specific period. Check the Period Locking Settings: This issue is often related to the period locking...
Difference Between Live Forecast and PMI Prediction
If there is a recalculation of the PMI Prediction due to season generation, new file import, or manual calculation, it takes time for the ML algorithms to fully update. The Live forecast values will only update once all dates in the viewed period are completely...
Manual changes overwritten at Live forecast import
Legacy PMI System Issue: Pickup column doesn’t “gray out” when importing Live forecasts. Cause: This is the design of the legacy PMI system. Effect: Manual changes in the pickup column will be overwritten with each import. New PMI System Preserving Manual Changes:...
Different hours for similar revenue on different dates can vary!
Recommended hours for similar revenue on different dates can vary due to a combination of factors including the monthly productivity forecast, historical staffing patterns, and other factors recognized by the machine learning capabilities of the SMART forecast.
Enhancing forecast accuracy: Leveraging PMI’s auto forecasts
Discrepancies in the imported Room Night live forecast can impact the generation of live forecasts for arrivals, departures, and stayovers. To address this, it's recommended to utilize PMI's auto forecasts. These forecasts are typically more accurate as they rely on...
Can you activate Live forecast accuracy report in PowerBI?
The PMI system integrates Live Forecast accuracy into its PMI Index calculations. Although Live Forecast accuracy contributes to the PMI Index, it is not explicitly shown as a separate report in PowerBI. Note that the "Center of Excellence" is an additional module...
Activating PMI Automation for Room Forecasts
If your room forecasts are still in manual mode and you want to activate PMI automation, you can use the “Calculate Live Forecast” tool in the Live Forecast view without needing to contact support. Follow these steps: Access Live Forecast View: Navigate to the Live...