Eric Cevey

Another PMI Success Story!

Another PMI Success Story!

A new hotel opened in 2013 with only 90 rooms. Not many professionals believed this was a “surviving” project, but what really happened was not just a fluke or luck by chance! Last year, 2015, Støtvig Hotel ended up with more than 12% on their bottom line! The General...

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PMI – Continued success in Berlin and Brussels

PMI – Continued success in Berlin and Brussels

The BRE (Benefits Realisation Enablement) team, which prepare, train and coach hoteliers and their organisation about PMI has had the pleasure the last month implementing PMI to one of Berlin´s most fabulous, major hotels as well as a fine property in the very city...

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Liselott Piper has joined d2o as BRE member

Liselott Piper has joined d2o as BRE member

Liselott brings a wealth of domain and management experience having worked for over two decades in various position within the hospitality industry. She comes from tourism organisation Visit Linköping. But as some of you know, Liselott is no stranger to PMI or d2o as...

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More Power to the d2o Team!

More Power to the d2o Team!

We are delighted to announce that Victor Kroese is joining d2o. Victor is re-joining our team. He will primarily work with data management and integration. As can be seen from Victor’s profile below, he comes with a wealth of hands-on experience in the data...

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Rethinking Hospitality Productivity

Rethinking Hospitality Productivity

Hospitality Productivity Management – a necessity for increased profitability and service quality For many, when talking about productivity management in hospitality it appears to be inappropriate like swearing in a church. Many hoteliers unfortunately assume that...

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