Eric Cevey

An exciting and hip Best in Class field trip!

An exciting and hip Best in Class field trip!

Yearly, d2o arranges a PMI General Manager Competition at the Norwegian School of Hotel Management at University of Stavanger. To really make it worth while, we always have great rewards for the best in class students. This summer, we were very happy to announce a...

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Performance Management Steps Into Education

Performance Management Steps Into Education

How does the hotel industry of the future look? And how can education meet the demands on future leaders from a fast-changing industry? At Kristiania University College they intend to take on this challenge through innovative and forward learning actions, implementing...

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Performance Management Steps Into Education

Performance Management Steps Into Education

How does the hotel industry of the future look? And how can education meet the demands on future leaders from a fast-changing industry? At Kristiania University College they intend to take on this challenge through innovative and forward learning actions, implementing...

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Aina Hospitality – The Ring Hotel Vienna

Aina Hospitality – The Ring Hotel Vienna

This fine, luxurious hotel with a great ambiance we also count as part of our PMI family as PMI R&P is now used by The Ring Hotel. We do thank Mr Rigo and his team for engaging so well into the world of Productivity Management! Café au lait – the interior design...

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Two new Pandox properties up and running!

Two new Pandox properties up and running!

During December and January two more Pandox properties went through training and are now up and running with PMI. The two properties are situated in Stockholm. The implementation went really well and the hands-on training was done smooth and quickly. Now, when the...

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