P&L Planning 5/10 How to add a sub account [1:42]
P&L Planning 4/10 Three ways of inserting figures [4:32]
P&L Planning 3/10 How to build a total [4:29]
P&L Planning 2/10 Navigation [4:26]
P&L Planning 1/10 Purpose and benefits [2:25]
PMI Planning Staff Module Overview [3:07]
Volume/usage/consumption explained
Example used is kWh from GoGreen. This shows the quantity of each resource we expect to use. The values come from the Live Forecast when this plan was first created. It’s fair to say that the values may differ in Live Forecast today, that’s why best practise is to...
Save changes button explained
The ‘Save changes’ button ensures the changes made to the plan are saved for furture edits. At this stage, the values only exist in this view. To make the plan values (cost of energy and estimated unit prices) available elsewhere, they need to be submitted by clicking...
Plan values explained
Example used is Energy. This first section in the data table is the plan (budget) numbers in the currency shown in the header. It displays in thousands (K) and in the local currency.These values cannot be edited directly. They reflect values in the next sections based...