Glossary of Terms
Stuck on a term or abbreviation? Check out our PMI Glossary for quick definitions and insights into common terms and abbreviations. Simplify...
Stuck on a term or abbreviation? Check out our PMI Glossary for quick definitions and insights into common terms and abbreviations. Simplify...
Effect of Changes: Changes to Min/Max settings will impact the current year and all future years but will not apply to past years. Global...
The data in PMI are extracted not only from an export file we receive but also through various active APIs that provide real-time data from the...
It is not possible to stop Machine Learning (ML) from including an existing segment in the driver-based calculation. If the ML Live Forecast...
Accessing the Import Status View: Navigate to the main menu and select Import Status. Choose your desired chain, property, status, and interface...
In legacy tables and schedules, the Scheduled Horizon is marked between the vertical red “Today” line and the vertical dashed green “Scheduled...
If you don’t use the query library, you can still take screenshots and ask questions. The bot remembers the last 5 interactions, allowing you to...
In PMI “GG” stands for GoGreen. This initiative focuses on sustainability and environmental responsibility. The abbreviation “gg” is commonly...
If you're experiencing issues with split shifts not showing when printing the schedule without codes, it could be due to the level at which the...
If the forecast data in the cockpit does not match the actuals, showing discrepancies in the Monthly To Date (MTD) usage, a potential cause is...